Who are we ? What are our skills ? What sort of missions can we carry out ? Mission proposals Our members Membership How to get in touch ? Ou charter
Réseaux AGRO-CONSULTANTS Network : Over 100 consultants to bring you help, advice, assistance : change management, market survey, audit, crisis management, F&A, quality/tracability, coatching, environment, risk prevention and management, technology, supply chain, new market development...
Consultant area
Mission proposals  
You are a private company, a professional association, a national or international Organization, public or private...

You are looking for an expert or a consultant, specialized or not, to carry out a mission in a range of skills or a sector of activities corresponding, more or less, to those shown herewith in our lists, locally or overseas.

Please enter your request in the form hereafter. We probably have someone with the abilities matching your needs among our members, in which case we will contact you directly.

AGRO CONSULTANTS - Over 100 consultants to bring you help, advice, assistance in many fields : feed and food business, agroindustrials or else.
5 quai Voltaire - 75007 PARIS - Phone. : 01 45 61 04 06 - Fax : 01 42 61 48 50 - agence web CVMH Solutions